Menopause treatment Beaumont, TX - Hormone Harmony Clinic

Introduction to Menopause and Hormone Imbalance

Menopause is a natural transition that all women experience as they age. It marks the end of a woman's reproductive years and is diagnosed after 12 consecutive months without a menstrual period. The average age of menopause is 51, but it can occur anytime between the ages of 45 and 55.

As a woman approaches menopause, hormonal fluctuations and declines begin to cause symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, difficulty sleeping, mood swings, and more. These symptoms are a result of lower levels of estrogen and progesterone. After menopause, a woman's body produces much less of these key hormones.

Many women find that the symptoms of menopause can significantly disrupt their quality of life. Hot flashes and night sweats may interrupt sleep. Vaginal atrophy can cause discomfort. Mood swings and trouble focusing can impact relationships and work. Furthermore, the hormonal changes of menopause increase a woman's risk for medical conditions like osteoporosis and heart disease.

Fortunately, hormone therapy (HT) can help alleviate unpleasant symptoms and reduce long-term health risks associated with menopause. HT involves restoring estrogen, progesterone, and/or testosterone to healthier levels through the use of patches, creams, pills, vaginal rings, or injections. When prescribed correctly, hormone therapy is an extremely effective approach to managing menopause.

Benefits of Hormone Replacement Therapy

There are many potential benefits of hormone replacement therapy during perimenopause and postmenopause:

Clearly, hormone therapy offers a multitude of benefits for transitioning into menopause. Lifestyle measures like eating well, exercising, and managing stress are also important during this transition. But HT provides targeted relief of troublesome symptoms and long-term health protection that lifestyle steps alone cannot match.

Our services

Take control of your menopause symptoms with hormone therapy.

Hormone Harmony Clinic Menopause Center in Beaumont

The compassionate providers at Hormone Harmony Clinic in Beaumont specialize in treating menopause through customized hormone therapy protocols. We partner with women to:

Our board-certified practitioners have advanced training in menopausal medicine, including conditions like perimenopause, primary ovarian insufficiency (POI), and surgical menopause. We offer the latest testing, technologies, and therapies to treat hormone deficiencies and help women thrive through midlife and beyond.

At Hormone Harmony Clinic Beaumont, we recognize that menopause treatment is personal. There is no “one size fits all” approach. We listen to each woman’s unique situation and goals, then craft a customized treatment strategy. Hormone therapy is adjusted based on the individual's needs, response, and safety considerations.

We utilize:

This personalized approach provides women the safest, most effective relief from menopause symptoms and health risks.

Beaumont's Climate and Lifestyle - Optimizing Menopause Therapy

Beaumont features a humid subtropical climate with hot, humid summers and mild winters. This climate can potentially worsen common menopause symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, and sleep difficulties. Fortunately, Hormone Harmony Clinic providers have extensive experience tailoring hormone therapy for Beaumont’s climate.

We help women time vacations and adjust HT dosages to alleviate severe hot flashes during the summer. Air conditioning, lightweight clothing layers, cooling nutrition like smoothies and salads, and swimming can provide additional relief during hot spells. We also make sure women are adequately treating hot flashes and night sweats during warmer months to enable high quality sleep.

Conversely, the drop in estrogen levels during winter can exacerbate joint pain, dry skin, and mood changes like seasonal affective disorder. We optimize HT to target these issues in winter. Enjoying Beaumont’s average of 215 sunny days per year helps too! We recommend prioritizing time outdoors, light therapy, vitamin D, and staying active to avoid wintertime blues.

Overall, Beaumont provides a good climate and environment to transition through menopause, especially with properly managed hormone therapy. Our providers optimize treatment based on time of year and weather conditions. We also offer lifestyle recommendations to enhance results.

Beaumont has a vibrant culture with art galleries, museums, boutique shopping, and diverse cuisine. The city has wonderful green spaces ideal for walking, jogging and cycling, including Tyrrell Park, Rogers Park, College Park and Shangri La Botanical Gardens. We encourage women to stay active with outdoor activities during menopause - they are great for both physical and mental health.

For exercise, Beaumont is home to many fitness centers and yoga studios like the YMCA, Orangetheory Fitness, and Bikram Yoga Beaumont. Our providers often recommend continuing or beginning a regular exercise routine during menopause. Physical activity boosts mood, energy, bone strength, heart health and weight management. We can provide referrals to great fitness resources in the area.

Beaumont also offers fantastic healthy dining options to fuel an active lifestyle and provide nutritional support during menopause. Our patients love Whole Foods Market, SweetCup Gelato, Green Seed Vegan Kitchen, and Neches Brewing Company. Eating a balanced diet rich in produce, fiber and healthy fats alleviates some menopause concerns like weight gain, low energy, and poor concentration. We provide personalized nutritional tips to complement hormone therapy.

Lab Testing and Medical Care for Menopause

Accurately assessing hormone levels through laboratory testing is crucial for effective treatment during menopause. At Hormone Harmony Clinic, initial testing may include:

We partner with top local labs in Beaumont including Hormone Harmony Clinic Medical Laboratory, ABC Diagnostics and Gulf Coast Pathology. They provide convenient blood draws and rapid results, often within 24 hours. We evaluate initial hormone testing and then repeat testing every 3-6 months to ensure optimum hormone levels are achieved and maintained.

In addition to our menopause specialists, we coordinate care with Beaumont’s network of excellent healthcare providers:

We take a holistic approach to menopausal care, considering a woman’s complete physical and emotional health. Our goal is to help every woman transition through menopause feeling her best through natural approaches and optimal hormone balance.

Starting Hormone Therapy with Hormone Harmony Clinic

Beginning hormone replacement therapy with our compassionate Beaumont team is simple. We guide women through five steps:

Interesting fact

Many women are unaware that cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can be an effective menopause treatment. CBT helps women manage troublesome symptoms like hot flashes, sleep disturbances, and mood changes by identifying unhelpful thoughts and behaviors and developing coping strategies. Research shows CBT significantly decreases the frequency and severity of menopausal symptoms without medication side effects.

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